When you purchase a recreational vehicle or a boat, you need a way to finance your new vehicle. You could use an auto financing company to help you find loans, warranties, and other financing options. However, it’s best to use a recreational finance company if you’re buying an RV or boat. Let’s look at how recreational finance companies like Finance Solution help you access the F&I products you need for your purchase.
What’s the difference between using a recreational finance provider and an auto finance provider for your RV or boat purchase? Auto financing companies may not know about all the possible vehicle financing options available for boats and RVs. Also, auto financers often run multiple credit checks before approving a customer, whereas recreational financers usually run just one credit check. Fewer checks reduce the negative impact on your credit. Additionally, recreational financers understand the options available to customers and help them choose the right ones for their specific needs.
Your financing company’s expertise matters because it helps you get the financial services you’re looking for. Always choose a company that finances the type of vehicle you plan to buy. Companies like Finance Solution are licensed to work with boat and RV loans, insurance, warranties, and other options. They specialize in finding the loan amounts and interest rates that work for customers, and have connections with lenders that’ll get your loan or other financing option approved quickly.
We help you access loans, insurance, and warranties efficiently, so you can start enjoying your boat or RV as soon as possible. We help you find loan terms with monthly payments that fit your financial situation after you finalize the RV or boat sale with your dealer. We also help you select the insurance policy and warranty that best fit your vehicle and how you plan to use it.
Dealerships outsource their finance and insurance (F&I) responsibilities to us. Often, dealerships have an F&I department that handles loans, insurance, warranties, and other F&I products. However, some RV and boat dealerships, particularly smaller ones, find that F&I distracts them from interacting with customers and moving units off their lots. In those cases, dealerships partner with us, and we handle all of their boat or RV financial services.
We improve the customer experience by making the financing process quicker and more efficient. The dealerships we work with send us the customer’s information when they make a sale. That information is used to select the best loan terms and other F&I products for that customer. We find a lender willing to take on the loan, then get it and other products approved so the customer can enjoy their RV or boat. Our effective process generates increased customer satisfaction.
Connect with us today to find the right F&I products for your RV or boat purchase.
Not sure what type of loan you need to finance your RV or boat? Wondering whether you need boat insurance? Finance Solution helps you find the right financing solutions when you buy your RV or boat. We serve as dealerships’ F&I manager and as a connection between customers and lenders, making the financing process easier for everyone involved in the purchase.
If you’re ready to finance your boat or RV, reach out to us today. We have the resources to help you find a loan amount that fits your needs, with interest rates and monthly payments you can handle.
The post The F&I Benefits of Working With a Recreational Financing Provider appeared first on Finance Solutions.
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